The tragedy of
Waco(1993) was an incident that will always haunt the soul of America. On that
day in Waco(Texas) not only were the 86 human beings killed but also our
believes and perception of our ever eluding freedom. The values of freedom on
which America was founded were proved that day to be nothing more than an
illusion and a myth. Right of Freedom, on which America basis its moral right
to police rest of the world was torn to shreds in its own backyard. 86 innocent
human beings out of which 17 were young children under the age of 10, were
murdered by the thugs of FBI. Contrary to what you may have heard, those people
in that building were not criminals and they hadn't committed any crime for
which the punishment can be death. Those who deserved death sentences were the
ATF and FBI agents who murdered all those people.
I would have opted to
make an amateur documentary if I had the skills to do it, but all I know is to
write so I will try to give you as honest a account as possible based on
research and books I read on this tragedy. If you would like to get a book that
provides the most honest account of details then I would highly recommend
"A place called Waco: A survivor's story" written by
David Thibodeau (Waco survivor) and Leon Whiteson. Many of you might think
that its a 21 year old story. Why would you want to know about this old story?
Well you need to know it because this was the incident by which a war on civil
liberties was launched by the corrupt and tyrannical US government. And we need
to remember the tragedy of this incident because 79 adults and 17 children who
were killed that day demand their story to be remembered and retold every
This is a true story
of the branch Davidians who were formed from a schism in the seventh day
Adventist Church. For decades the Branch Davidian congregation had lived and
prospered in Mount Carmel Center near Waco, Texas. Locals described them as
courteous, well mannered, reserved and reclusive group of individuals who never
created any problem for the locals. Infact many of the locals often visited
Mount Carmel Center, to use its gun range for shooting practice.
David Koresh(pictured on the right) was a
young charismatic leader of this religious sect. Branch Davidians were avid
bible readers and followers. They considered the scripture about seven seals
extremely significant in their religious believes. Other scriptures that were
significant to branch Davidians were Isaiah 9:7, Ezekiel 9, Hosea 1-2,
Micah 6:9, Micah 7:14, Matthew 20, Revelation 7:6, Revelation 13, Revelation 14.
David Koresh considered himself a prophet of The Lord like Isaiah, Ezekiel and
Hosea. David Koresh's real name was Vernon Wayne Howell which he later changed
to David Koresh in honour of Great King David of Jerusalem and King Cyrus the
Great(Koresh is the Persian name of Cyrus the great). He changed his name after
these two great biblical kings because he believed that like King David and
King Cyrus, he was also prophecised to defend his people and defeat the
invading evil armies of Baabylonia.
Media portrayed David
Koresh as a sadistic pedophile gunrunner, this was a total lie perpetuated by
FBI and ATF to demonise David Koresh in eyes of the public, so that there won't
be another protest backlash like the one they faced during Ruby Ridge Siege in
1992. Niether David Koresh nor any of the Branch Davidians were criminals or
child abuser. They were just simple people who were living their lives
according to their believes peacefully.
David Koresh and many
other branch Davidians were avid gun ethusiasts. David Koresh used to visit a
lot of gun shows and he soon realised that a lot of money can be made by
selling guns.
It wasn't illegal so branch Davidians started selling guns at gun shows all over America to earn money to provide for the ever growing congregation living at Mount Carmel Center. Soon Branch Davidians started selling guns at all gun shows all over America.
With increase in their sales, Davidians started keeping a large inventory of guns and ammunition at Mount Carmel Center. All activities of a Branch Davidians were totally within the laws and were perfectly legal.
It wasn't illegal so branch Davidians started selling guns at gun shows all over America to earn money to provide for the ever growing congregation living at Mount Carmel Center. Soon Branch Davidians started selling guns at all gun shows all over America.
With increase in their sales, Davidians started keeping a large inventory of guns and ammunition at Mount Carmel Center. All activities of a Branch Davidians were totally within the laws and were perfectly legal.
At this point it is suspected that someone gave false tip to ATF that Davidians had numerous fully automatic assault rifles in stock pile of weapons at Mt Carmel Center. Soon after ATF started a formal investigation into the matter regarding David Koresh and Branch Davidians. Before leaving for Waco, ATF agents contacted the local Captain of Texas Rangers to let them know about the plans for raid.
When David
Koresh was informed of the search warrant, he himself contacted the ATF and
welcomed them to Mt Carmel Center for the search of the premises. But when ATF
team reached Waco, the officer in command refused to talk to David Koresh to
arrange for a peaceful search of the compound, Right from the beginning ATF had
only one objective in their mind, they wanted to kill David Koresh and arrest
rest of his followers, then destroy their church.
To this day the real
motivation and the sources of that motivation are unknown. Some speculations
have been made that point towards the First Lady at that time Hillary Clinton
as being the moving force behind this capmpaign to destroy Branch Davidians. It
is quite apparent from the provocative methods employed by ATF that they were
deliberately trying to force Branch Davidians to shoot at them otherwise there
is no justification for how they conducted this raid on the Mount Carmel
On 28th February 1993, ATF launched its raid on Mt Carmel
Center. The ATF agents looked like as if they were getting ready for a bloody
war, armed with automatic assault rifles and handguns, bulletproof vests,
helmets and Kevlar suits. ATF agents approached the compound hiding in cattle
trailers. Then they just rushed out of trailers and the very first thing they did was shoot all the dog pups who were in their cages and posed no threat to them. Then ATF agents knocked on the door and
when David Koresh opened the door they fired a hail of bullets at him. Koresh
got hit by 3 bullets, one at the wrist, another at his abdomen and another on
his lower right back. But tragically his father-in-law got hit by a bullet in
his head and died at that very instance. At this moment David Koresh called the
local Texas Ranger Captain and told him to ask ATF to stop shooting because
there are a lot of woman and children in the compound and told Captain that he
was and is ready to allow ATF agents to conduct a search of the compound but
only in a peaceful and non threatening manner.

ATF agents took him to a seclude riverbed nearby and shot him 17 times. According to an anonymous agent, Schroeder was still alive when the ATF agents left him to die. But when Agents were walking to their base of operations, one of the agents who was still near Schroeder shot him twice in the head and killed him.
Schroeder's body was left to rot where he died for five days untill his relatives pressurised ATF and took the body for burial.
After an hour, ATF
launched another assault on the compound and once again tried to enter the
compound via ladders but this time their shooting was replied with equal force.
This time ATF also deployed three choppers to target anyone visible in the
compound from the sky. This went on for sometime then ATF agents started
shouting "don't shoot, We are out of Ammunition and we are backing
down". If Davidians had desired to do so, they could have wiped out all of
the retreating ATF agents but they rather allowed them to retreat. But
this brief gun fight resulted in deaths of six branch Davidians and four ATF
agents. Humiliated by this botched raid, ATF called the cavalary out and
transfered the case to FBI. Soon negotiations started between FBI and David
Koresh about surrender.
FBI placed the Mt
Carmel Center totally under siege, nobody was allowed to come out of the
compound and no one was allowed to enter the compound. FBI negotiator Jim
Cavanaugh was constantly in contact with people inside the compound throughout
the siege. On the sixth day David Koresh asked for a cameraman inside to show
the world that people inside were not criminals, they were just simple of
simple means. Cameraman who was allowed inside did a wonderful job interviewing
almost all the members and their children. Parts of this video are included in
the documentary on this incident "Waco Siege: Rules of engagement".
Its a wonderful documentary that shows what kind of attrocities were committed
during the 51 day siege.
FBI from the start
were in a battle mode. It looked like they had no intention of finding a
peaceful resolution. They brought over 400 personnel, Army grade high calliber
assault rifles, armoured demolishing bulldozer, armoured tank, mortars, rocket
launchers and 3 assault helicopters.
If their aim was just to find a peaceful resolution than why bring all this combat equipment with them. And above all they had also acquired help from US Army, I will tell you about this later when it became significant in the crisis.
Using armoured bulldozer and snipers had brought they deliberately damaged and shot holes into the three water tanks. These tanks were all the stored water that branch Davidians had.
If their aim was just to find a peaceful resolution than why bring all this combat equipment with them. And above all they had also acquired help from US Army, I will tell you about this later when it became significant in the crisis.
Using armoured bulldozer and snipers had brought they deliberately damaged and shot holes into the three water tanks. These tanks were all the stored water that branch Davidians had.
Furthermore despite strong assurances from Jim Cavanugh to David Koresh that their water connection won't be cut, On the night of 7th March Mt Carmel Center's water connection was severed. And on 4th march, a FBI sniper positioned at a distance of about 200m on top of a grain silo shot a 11 year old kid and an another woman. This snipers name was Lon Horuichi, the very same guy who had murdered Vicki Weaver during the incident at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. FBI continued to target any one visible to snipers on land and on helicopters throughout out the siege.
On 20th March, there
was a breakthrough in the negotiation. David Koresh States that he was writing
the translations for the biblical scripture of the Seven Seals and after
completing the translations, he and others will surrender. FBI negotiator Jim
Cavanaugh agreed to the condition but asked David Koresh to release women and
children who were willing to leave Mt Carmel Center. David obliged Cavanaugh's
request and 25 women and children came out of the compound. Jim Cavanaugh had
promised that nothing will done to women and children and that they will
totally safe. But contrary to FBI's promises 12 women who came out of the
compound were immediately arrested on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit
murder and manslaughter. They were directly taken to county prison. 13
children, oldest of 13 years and youngest of 3 months, were separated from
their mothers and were handed over to Child Protection Services.
On 21st March People
inside the compound were watching all this on TV. They saw that even elderly
women of 70 years of age were made to wear prison clothes, handcuffed and
shackled at legs. They also saw that the children were separated from their
mothers. This deterred everybody from even thinking about going out, so they
decided that they will stay inside and hope for a peaceful resolution. Despite
the progress in the negotiations and promised made by negotiators to Davidians,
FBI high command ordered the officers at Waco to cut the electric supply to Mt
Carmel Center and initiate the use of Psychological Warfare tactics to force
the Davidians out.
On the night of 22nd
March Mt Carmel Center was shrouded in darkness, FBI started pointing very
bright spotlights at the windows of the compound. They played the cries of
rabbits being slaughtered and pigs being butchered at extremely loud level
continously throughout the night. Aim of these torturing techniques was to
deprive the people inside the compound of any sleep. The true intentions of FBI
can be understood from these two tactics. As I said before aim of FBI was to
deprive Davidians of any sleep because sleep deprivation causes an enormous
change in the targeted individuals. Some of the effects cause by sleep
deprivation are restlessness, severe headache, reduced abilities for cognitive
thinking, bursts of violence and anger, confrontational behaviour and
depression. It was clear that FBI wanted to entice David Koresh and other
adults inside the compound to lose their calmness and do something violent in a
rage like firing at the FBI agents. This would have given FBI a chance to
attack the compound and kill everyone. David Koresh and other adults somehow
remained calm but it was children who were severely affected by these shameful
tactics. All through the night, cries of little children suffering from severe
headaches could be heard by the FBI agents. But they still continued with these
tactics night after night.
David Koresh asked
the negotiator Jim Cavanaugh to stop these torturing techniques because the
children were suffering. Jim Cavanaugh replied that it was out of his hands
because the orders to use these methods had come directly from Washington.
On 10th April, FBI
asked David Koresh to send out the translation of the first seal so that they
can ascertain that he was really writing the translations and not just stalling
them. As per the FBI demands David Koresh sent out the translation of first 4
seals and said that in a week he will finish the complete translation and then
he will surrender.
On 17th April, David
Koresh told Jim Cavanaugh that he had finished the translation and after a
prayer in the Church, they will all come out and surrender. To the shock of
David Koresh, Jim Cavanaugh replied that the FBI bosses in Washington had asked
him to end all negotiations. Cavanaugh further stated that, he was ordered to
tell David Koresh that anybody coming out of the compound will be treated as a
hostile and will be shot. After this moment all contact between the FBI
and Davidians was ended. FBI started formulating a plan of attack.
This planning was
done in Washington during a meeting. This meeting was attended by US Attorney
General Janet Reno, Director of FBI, Asst.Director of FBI, Director and
specialists from CIA, a representative from department of justice,defence and
lastly by the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff.
An extremely forceful
plan of action was formulated. Many of the officials present in the meeting
raised their concerns over the nature of this plan and it's intended outcomes.
Little did these concerned members knew that this plan of murdering of each and
every Davidians was being pushed by then First Lady Hillary Clinton. Infact it
was Hillary Clinton who had pressurised Janet Reno to end all negotiation
attempts and to formulate a plan for murdering all Davidians. And to ensure
that this brutal massacre was successfully carried out, a team from Special
Operations Unit better known as "the Delta Force" were also sent to
The decision to deploy Deltas in Waco was an unconstitutional and an
illegal one. Because the clause of "Posse Comitatus Act" clearly specifies
that no military force or personnel can be utilised to implement law, within
the borders of United States of America.
But it was quite apparent that people who were seeking the death of innocent men, women and children won't be deterred and concerned about the constitutional do's and dont's.
On 18th April, 15
member squad of Delta force reached Waco and started working with the FBI
agents to plan the execution of formulated plan, next morning. The day of 19th
April was decided to be day on which the final assault on lives of 79 human
beings would take place.
On 19th April, at
about 3:00 AM in the morning the assault on the Branch Davidian compound
commenced. Armoured Military Engineering Vehicle or in simple words Armoured
Bull Dozer started to punch holes into the walls of the compound. By 5 am,
walls of the St.Carmel's compound had been punched with hundreds of holes. At 6
am, same vehicle but this time fitted with a gas nozzle in the front started
plumbing CS gas into the building.
CS gas or
chlorobenzalmalononitrile (also called o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile)
(chemical formula: C10H5ClN2), a cyanocarbon is
the defining component of a tear gas commonly referred to as CS
gas, which is used as a riot control agent. But tear gas contains
a highly diluted form of CS, roughly about 10% of the pure CS.
But the CS gas being pumped into the building at Mt.Carmel Center was the purest form of CS. It had resulted insuffocation and death in some previous cases. Everybody knew that there were children present inside the building, despite this the decision to use this toxic chemical was made. Everybody knew that there are no gas masks available anywhere that fit perfectly on a child. So it should have been obvious that children inside the compound won't be safe from this toxin.
But the CS gas being pumped into the building at Mt.Carmel Center was the purest form of CS. It had resulted insuffocation and death in some previous cases. Everybody knew that there were children present inside the building, despite this the decision to use this toxic chemical was made. Everybody knew that there are no gas masks available anywhere that fit perfectly on a child. So it should have been obvious that children inside the compound won't be safe from this toxin.
FBI continued pumping
in CS gas for 4 hours. By that time the people inside would have been under
severe pain and discomfort caused by the gas for hours, but yet not a single
shot was fired from inside.
FBI agents even fired
numerous tear gas grenades inside the building. Once they had pumped the gas
into the building, they should have waited for the people inside to come out
because of the adverse effects of the gas. After all this explanation was later
given by FBI agents for using the CS gas in the first place. FBI Senior Agents
later replied in a press conference "we wanted to flush out the Davidians
from the compound by using CS gas". Then why did they continued to fire
bullets into the building and even tear gas grenades into the building. But
this was no mistake, they were doing this deliberately.
One of the most
volatile quality of CS gas is that when it is sprayed as an aerosol, it
eventually falls down, making a thin yellow layer on everything in the sprayed
area. This semi solid form of CS is highly inflammable, in right air supply and
right burning material it can be as flammable as gasoline. FBI agents had
sprayed about 1200 gallons of this gas into the building, so everything inside
would have been covered with the aerosol. Now all that was needed was an
ignition and the fire would spread rapidly throughout the entire building in
matter of seconds.
To ensure that the
flames inside would get ample supply of air, FBI agents had already punched
hundreds of holes. People outside witnessing all this happening, were wondering
why so many holes had been punched into the wall? If pumping in the CS gas was
the reason then a couple of holes would have been sufficient. But FBI had other
ideas right from the beginning. They deliberately punched hundreds of holes in
the walls, because they always intended to start a fire inside the compound.
After they had pumped in all the gas, FBI agents once again sent the armoured
bulldozer to demolish the exit points of the compound. The bulldozer demolished
all the arches above the exit doors of the compound in such a way that the debri
of the arches were now blocking the exit and had virtually sealed the door
shut. At this point David Koresh sent all the women and children into the
vault of the St Carmel Center, which was metal reinforced and was located in
the basement of the building.
FBI was not at all
interested in flushing people out of the building, they had already decided
that they wanted everybody inside to be burnt alive when the fire spread
rapidly throughout the building.
Around noon, another
armoured bull Dozer was sent towards the building, but this time its objective
was sinister. As bull Dozer reached near the building, 10 man delta team deployed
all around the building but was hidden from public view. Suddenly there was a
Big Bang and seconds after the bang flames could be seen gushing out of the
first floor window. A later review of infrared camera footage would reveal that
one of the delta team operative had fired a flash grenade into the open window
of the first flood. And it was the explosion of that flash grenade that started
the fire. As the fire started to spread throughout the building.
Many people who were
still on the ground floor, tried to escape through the demolished wall, but
were shot down by the Deltas positioned around the building. Throughout and
even after the siege, FBI repeatedly claimed that not a single shot was fired
by the FBI during the 51 day siege of the St Carmel Center. But infrared
footage shot from the camera mounted on a helicopter, would later reveal that
FBI officials fired thousands of rounds into the building throughout the siege.
Even now when the building was on fire, the Deltas positioned around the
building were shooting everybody coming out of the building.
But the real tragedy
was happening in the vault of the building. When FBI was pumping gas into the
building, they had deliberately flooded the basement with the CS gas, which
would have knocked out everybody in the basement. But now the building had
caught fire and soon fire would also set everything in basement ablaze. With
everybody unconscious, they would be burnt alive and when they would have woken
up from pain, there won't be any place left for them to escape to. And this is
precisely what happened 19 children, 24 women and 8 men were burnt alive in
that basement.

Every surviving member
of Branch Davidian, the ones who had left the compound during the siege and the
lone survivor of the 19th April attack would be later arrested and charged for
the murder of four ATF agents who died on 28th February raid. But the jury
found every single one of the Branch Davidian innocent and instead accused ATF
for using provocative measures to entice Branch Davidians into a gun fight.
Another Congressional
hearing would take place two year after the tragedy, but it too will find the
actions of law enforcement agencies completely within the law and appropriate.
In the end more than 86 people were killed under a deliberate plan to wipe the
Branch Davidian out and not a single one of those murderous bastards from the
FBI was even reprimanded for his shameful actions that day.
For a nation that
beats the drum of freedom all over the world, WACO Massacre is a humiliating
incident. A nation that preaches freedom of choose, freedom to practice your
religion, freedon of speech and freedom to bear arms, this tragedy is
an ironical slap in the face of American liberty. When federal officers
make killing of little infants, part of their job than trust me there ain't
anything left to say to such animals. But what amazed me was the shameless grin
on the faces of these FBI officials and especially that FBI Negotiator Jim
Cavanaugh. That guy personally assured David Koresh that nothing would be done
to the branch Davidians. And after lying to more than dozen people whome he
talked to and who ended up dead, this guy still had guts to call Branch
Davidians suicidal fools.
large concentration of bodies, weapons, and ammunition was found in the bunker.
The Texas Rangers' arson investigator report assumes that many of the occupants
were either denied escape from within or refused to leave until escape was not
an option. It also mentions that the structural debris from the breaching
operations on the west end of the building could have blocked a possible escape
route through the tunnel system. An independent investigation by two
experts from the University of Maryland's Department of Fire
Protection engineering concluded that the compound residents had
sufficient time to escape the fire, if they had so desired. But this would have
only been true if the victims in the basement had been conscious before the
fire engulfed their only exit. In my view by the time most of the victims in
the basement had regained consciousness, the fire would have already blocked
their only exit.
of the dead revealed that some women and children found beneath a fallen
concrete wall of a storage room died of skull injuries. Autopsy photographs of
other children locked in what appear to be spasmic death poses are consistent
with cyanide poisoning, one of the results produced by burning CS gas.
The US Department of Justice report indicated that only one body had traces of benzene, one of the components of solvent-dispersed CS gas, but that the gas insertions had finished nearly one hour before the fire started, and that it was enough time for solvents to dissipate from the bodies of the Branch Davidians that had inhaled the tear gas.
The US Department of Justice report indicated that only one body had traces of benzene, one of the components of solvent-dispersed CS gas, but that the gas insertions had finished nearly one hour before the fire started, and that it was enough time for solvents to dissipate from the bodies of the Branch Davidians that had inhaled the tear gas.
records also indicate that at least 20 Branch Davidians were shot, including
five children under the age of 14. Three-year-old Dayland Gent was stabbed in
the chest. The medical examiner who performed the autopsies believed these
deaths were mercy killings by Branch Davidians trapped in the fire
with no escape. The expert retained by the US Special office of
Counsel concluded that many of the gunshot wounds "support
self-destruction either by overt suicide, consensual execution (suicide by
proxy), or less likely, forced execution."
Attorney General
Janet Reno, that first bitch Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton and the
director of FBI, every single one of these pathetic and disgusting individuals
should have been tried for the murder of 86 innocent people. But I guess law in
beneath these people, hence these sadistic bastards are free to kill anyone
they desire. But I am sure time will come when these people will be granted
what they deserve, a bullet in the back of the head.
new ATF Director, John Magaw criticised several aspects of the ATF raid
for instance, he compared the raid leaders Phillip Chojnacki going with a
helicopter team and Chuck Sarabyn going in one of the horse trailers to a
football team's coach and assistant coach going onto the field with the
players. Magaw made the Treasury "Blue Book" report on Waco
required reading for new agents. A 1995 GAO report on use of force by federal
law enforcement agencies observed that, "on the basis of Treasury's report
on the Waco operation and views of tactical operations experts and ATF's own
personnel, ATF decided in October 1995 that dynamic entry would only be planned
after all other options have been considered and began to adjust its training
remains of the buildings today other than cement foundation components, as the
entire site was bulldozed two weeks after the end of the siege. Only a small
chapel, built years after the siege, stands on the site.
The events at Waco spurred both criminal
prosecution and civil litigation. On August 3, 1993, a federal grand jury
returned a superseding ten-count indictment against 12 of the surviving Branch
Davidians. The grand jury charged, among other things, that the Branch
Davidians had conspired to, and aided and abetted in, murder of federal
officers, and had unlawfully possessed and used various firearms. The
Government dismissed the charges against one of the 12 Branch Davidians,
Kathryn Schroeder, pursuant to a plea bargain.
a jury trial lasting nearly two months, the jury acquitted four of the Branch
Davidians on all charges. Additionally, the jury acquitted all of the Branch
Davidians on the murder-related charges, but convicted five of them on lesser
charges, including aiding and abetting the voluntary manslaughter of
federal agents. Eight Branch Davidians were convicted on firearms charges.
convicted Branch Davidians, who received sentences of up to 40 years, were:
- Kevin A. Whitecliff—convicted of voluntary manslaughter and using a firearm during a crime.
- Jaime Castillo—convicted of voluntary manslaughter and using a firearm during a crime.
- Paul Gordon Fatta—convicted of conspiracy to possess machine guns and aiding Branch Davidian leader David Koresh in possessing machine guns.
- Renos Lenny Avraam (British national)—convicted of voluntary manslaughter and using a firearm during a crime.
- Graeme Leonard Craddock (Australian national)—convicted of possessing a grenade and using or possessing a firearm during a crime.
- Brad Eugene Branch—convicted of voluntary manslaughter and using a firearm during a crime.
- Livingstone Fagan (British national)—convicted of voluntary manslaughter and using a firearm during a crime.
- Ruth Riddle (Canadian national)—convicted of using or carrying a weapon during a crime.
- Kathryn Schroeder—sentenced to three years after pleading guilty to a reduced charge of forcibly resisting arrest.
Six of the eight Branch Davidians appealed both their sentences and their convictions. They raised a host of issues, challenging the constitutionality of the prohibition on possession of machine guns, the jury instructions, the district court's conduct of the trial, the sufficiency of the evidence, and the sentences imposed. The United States Courts of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit vacated the defendants' sentences for use of machine guns, determining that the district court had made no finding that they had "actively employed" the weapons, but left the verdicts undisturbed in all other respects.
On remand, the
district court found that the defendants had actively employed machine guns,
and re-sentenced five of them to substantial prison terms. The Branch Davidians
pressed this issue before the US Supreme Court. The Supreme Court
reversed, holding that the term "machine gun" in the relevant statute
created an element of the offense to be determined by a jury, rather than a
sentencing factor to be determined by a judge, as had happened in the trial
court. On September 19, 2000, Judge Walter Smith followed the Supreme Court's
instructions and cut 25 years from the sentences of five convicted Branch
Davidians, and five years from the sentence of another All Branch
Davidians had been released from prison as of July 2007.
79 Branch Davidians died in the attacks and resulting fire on the 19th April
1993, 5 Branch Davidians had died in the first ATF raid that happened on 28th
February 1993. And one additional Branch Davidian Michael Schroeder was
murdered by ATF agents on the evening of 28th February. 4 ATF agents also died
in the botched raid of 28th February 1993. So in total 86 Branch Davidian and 4
ATF agents lost their lives in this tragedy.
Here are the names
and ages of all the victims who died on the 19th April 1993.
- Chanel Andrade, 1, American
- Jennifer Andrade, 19, American
- Katherine Andrade, 24, American
- George Bennett, 35, British
- Susan Benta, 31, British
- Mary Jean Borst, 49, American
- Pablo Cohen, 38, Israeli
- Abedowalo Davies, 30, British
- Shari Doyle, 18, American
- Beverly Elliot, 30, British
- Doris Fagan, 51, British
- Yvette Fagan, 32, British
- Lisa Marie Farris, 24, American
- Raymond Friesen, 76, Canadian
- Sandra Hardial, 27, British
- Diana Henry, 28, British
- Paulina Henry, 24, British
- Phillip Henry, 22, British
- Stephen Henry, 26, British
- Vanessa Henry, 19, British
- Zilla Henry, 55, British
- Novellette Hipsman, 36, Canadian
- Floyd Houtman, 61, American
- Sherri Jewell, 43, American
- David M. Jones, 38, American
- Bobbie Lane Koresh, 2, American
- Cyrus Koresh, 8, American
- David Koresh, 33, American
- Rachel Koresh, 24, American
- Star Koresh, 6, American
- Jeffery Little, 32, American
- Nicole Gent Little, 24, Australian, pregnant
- Dayland Lord Gent, 3, Australian
- Paiges Gent, 1, American
- Livingston Malcolm, 26, British
- Anita Martin, 18, American
- Diane Martin, 41, British
- Lisa Martin, 13, American
- Sheila Martin, Jr., 15, American
- Wayne Martin, Jr., 20, American
- Wayne Martin, Sr., 42, American
- Abigail Martinez, 11, American
- Audrey Martinez, 13, American
- Crystal Martinez, 3, American
- Isaiah Martinez, 4, American
- Joseph Martinez, 8, American
- Julliete Martinez, 30, American
- John-Mark McBean, 27, British
- Bernadette Monbelly, 31, British
- Melissa Morrison, 6, British
- Rosemary Morrison, 29, British
- Sonia Murray, 29, American
- Theresa Nobrega, 48, British
- James Riddle, 32, American
- Rebecca Saipaia, 24, Filipino
- Judy Schneider, 41, American
- Steve Schneider, 43, American
- Mayanah Schneider, 2, American
- Clifford Sellors, 33, British
- Scott Kojiro Sonobe, 35, American
- Floracita Sonobe, 34, Filipino
- Aisha Gyrfas Summers, 17, Australian, pregnant
- Gregory Summers, 28, American
- Startle Summers, 1, American
- Hollywood Sylvia, 1, American
- Lorraine Sylvia, 40, American
- Rachel Sylvia, 12, American
- Chica Jones, 2, American
- Michelle Jones Thibodeau, 18, American
- Serenity Jones, 4, American
- Little One Jones, 2, American
- Margarida Vaega, 47, New Zealander
- Neal Vaega, 38, New Zealander
- Mark H. Wendell, 40, American
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