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Monday 8 September 2014

Ghosts, Spirits and Demons: A mystery of the ages

Most of us have heard of the tales and legends about ghosts and spirits, whether you believe in such stories or in supernatural entities or not, you have to agree that not all people who tell such stories are dishonest or mentally deranged individuals. Don't discount anybodies claims without knowing for yourself what they are talking about, and I assure you that if you go and visit any such haunted location yourself like I did a month ago, you might lose your skepticism in one horrifying moment.

But question remains, what are ghosts and why even the mere probability of their existence, paralyse us with fear and dread? Are they just phychological and subconscious manifestations of our deep seeded fear of our own mortality? Generally people are petrified of the question that when we die, will we will simply seize to exist, in such a way that nothing of ours will be left behind? Does ones death means no emotion, no spirit, no soul and no energy belonging to the deceased person exists anymore? Will the space we occupy in the space time continuum be replaced by a void after we pass on? Does the fear of this empty void forces people to subconsciously manifest the physical and spiritual anomalies which tend to assure us that there is something after death and that we will continue to exist in this world in some way and in some form? 

Or are they truly the remnants of people who have died as believed by many cultures around the world? Or are they mere deceptions created by devil and his demons to deceive humans, like Chritianity wants us to believe? These questions have plagued the minds of believers and skeptics alike for ages. Some of the most intellegent and intellectual people spent their whole lives in search of the answers to these questions. I am not even one millionth of what philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates and Confucious were, but I have tried to find answers to these questions with my own limited capabilities and limited knowledge.

You would have often heard of the phrase that life is a journey and that life is a teacher that teaches a something new with every passing day. Problem is that journey will never end as long as we have infinite time. A journey can only be thought in limited or finite terms if the time spent in this journey is limited, because in that case when your time runs out, your journey will end. And second issue is that this universe is so so so so unbelievably vast that, at the moments we don't even know 0.000001 percent of things that exist in this universe. Hence as long as we have infinite time we can keep on learning new things for an eternity. So its our finite or limited perception of our lives that limits our understanding and capability to answer the above mentioned questions.

So don't think of life in a linear form starting from point A and ending at point B. Think of life as a circular motion where nothing ever ends and nothing ever starts rather it continues on and on and on. What we feel and experience in our existence is just one revolution in our cycle of life. This cycle never stops, it just continues on defying all notions of life being measurable, limited, finite. This understanding is imperative  because with a limited perception, we can never find answers to the questions of life that we sought. Its only after we understand this concept that the miracle we identify as our existence, it never ends and it never begins but rather it just merely changes the in terms of what we experience and it just goes on, that we can truly answer to the age old questions of human life and death.

I believe this universe we live in exists at a multidimensional realm where multiple dimension exist simultaneously. But what makes us able to exist in, interact with and experience our dimension is our vibrational frequency that our bodies generate. We produce a vibrational frequency that is intune with our dimension. So think of our body's vibrational frequency as a key card that allows us to enter and exist in our own dimension and at the same time it disables us from entering other dimensions and entities from other dimensions entering into ours.

I think that the lives we live are like grades in school. Just like you have to finish 5th grade to be a 6th grader similarly we have live through our lives to learn and experience the essence of creation in this universe. And when we die, our vibrational frequency is altered and our existence shifts to other dimension. I know you must be thinking that its a crazy idea but bear with me because soon you will notice the obvious connections and I will tell you how this theory answers all the questions that we have about ghosts, spirits, psychic mediums, haunts, apparitions and demonic activity.

As I mentioned above death is merely a change in our vibrational frequency that either shifts us to a higher dimension or to a lower dimension. This upgrade or downgrade of dimension depends upon the level of consciousness the individual has attained in that particular life. This higher level of consciousness is what Holy Buddha called Nirvana. Nirvana means to attain such a state of mind that your being is elevated to a higher realm of existence. Different cultures and religions have given this ascended state of mind different names like to attain inner peace, to be one with universe, to be one with nature, to be one with Mother Earth, to be one with God, to attain Moksha, to become karma-yog (meaning a existence in which your good Karma dwarfs your bad ones) but they all mean the same thing. A person who does evil deeds, would know he is bad at the inner core of his soul. He may try to fool the world by acting in a manner which will reflect that he thinks of himself as a good guy, but in his heart he will always remember that he is a bad person. Hence despite all his attempts he will never attain a higher consciousness because he himself will always remember what he really is. 

Any entity can enter the lower dimensions of where they exist, because your consciousness has already surpassed the requirement of the lower dimensions. If somehow a portal or tear opens up into some lower dimension then you could travel to it, infact any being can easilly travel to and fro if a portal exists.ลต Our ancestors had a much deeper knowledge and wider awareness about these things. But somewhere along our so called progress, knowledge about all these things was removed from our folklore and mythology . Native American Shamans have tales dating back to thousands of years, about parallel worlds.  In the folklore of Hopi and Pueblo Zuni people of New Mexico, there is a legend about a spiritual world that exists at the same place and at the same time but you cannot see or feel it. Spirit beings from the spirit world can travel to our world and perform miracles like healing etc but we cannot enter into their world unless they want us to enter and in that case they will open a portal between the two worlds. Isn't this Zuni legend exactly the same as multidimensional universe theory. 

So a higher dimensional being can enter into our dimension, buy we can't enter the higher dimensions without appropriate spiritual strength of your consciousness. Think of the famous Matryoshka Dolls. A set of matryoshkas consist of a wooden figure which separates, top from bottom, to reveal a smaller figure of the same sort inside, which has, in turn, another figure inside of it, and so on. As you go on opening up the dolls, they keep on getting smaller and have an even smaller doll inside. If you have opened up 10 levels of dolls then you can easilly place the level 10th doll in the first doll you opened because all previous level dolls were bigger. But if you decide to place a level 5 doll in a level 10 doll, you won't be able to. Similar logic applies to dimensional travel.
Now we can address that question which was the core purpose of this post. What are ghosts, spirits and demons? Well I believe the entities we call ghosts and spirits are merely individuals who have progressed on to the higher dimension. At any place and at any time multiple dimensions exists for example your room might be part of an ocean in other dimension and the peak of a mountain in some other dimension. Like I said before you don't see the ocean of the mountain peak because your vibrational frequency is different. So when people die they just move on to next dimension, but they have not gone anywhere. They would still be around you, infact they might even be standing at the very same place you are standing at the moment. All that separates you from seeing and touching them is just your frequency. 

Sometimes on random occasions a person's emotional state of mind, earths geomagnetic forces, universal factors like gravity and solar rays, by accident get into a particular combination and form a powerful alignment. And this alignment is so powerful that it affects and changes the vibrational frequencies of all dimensions. And it is during this random shift of frequencies that sometimes for a fraction of moments beings from other dimension become visible to us. But as soon as the universal alignment shifts, the frequencies of all dimensions reverts back to their original rate and once again inter dimensional interaction becomes inaccessible to us. And due to this the dimensional beings that we got a glimpse of disappear. It is these random sights of other dimensional beings what started the rumours of ghosts and spirits. Depending on our emotional state of mind, this alignment can last anything between a millisecond to few minutes, usually for a short period.

Our world is no random planet. Other than force of gravity It also generates its own geomagnetic and electromagnetic power that is continuously keeps flowing around earth. Each of these natural forces move on a fixed paths and at some specific locations, these paths intersect each other. Convergence of these powerful natural forces makes these  particular intersection points become what we call the Vortex Points of energy. Because of excessive amount of energy converging at this one point, these vortexes become either a gateway between dimensions or a locations where one can easilly glance into other dimensions. Because the barrier existing between the dimensions is weakened by the excessive energy converging at this one point, allows some people to interact with other dimensions much more easilly and much more frequently. Because of the electromagnetic anomalies at these sites, our frequency is affected and somehow our awareness and connection to other dimensions strengthens. And when people often experience the supernatural at these sites, they start believing that the place must be haunted by ghosts even though there is no such thing.

Another thing that impacts our frequency is our emotions and our consciousness. So when someone is experiencing high emotions like extremely scared or extremely sad or extremely happy, the vibrational frequency of that person tends to shift a little and this can lead to a brief opening window into the other dimensions. This would definitely explain how some people who have recently lost someone dear to them claim that they saw that deceased person sometimes within just a few seconds of the death of their loved ones. It's not a ghost of that person but rather it is the sight of that person in the next dimension who becomes visible to is momentarily. Intense human emotions create an random and accidental link between the dimensional frequencies, enabling the people in different dimensions to interact with each other.

You would surely have seen or heard about psychic mediums and clairvoyants. Avoiding the fake and genuine arguement altogether, there are certain individuals who are born with abilities to interact with spirits and ghosts. While some are  born with this power, some attain this knowledge by training themselves and doing lengthy meditations. Basically what makes these people different from others is that they possess an ability to alter their vibrational frequency and thus by altering their frequency they become able to interact with entities and beings on the at start to pass on the information from spirit world to the living. 

Similarly seances also play a similar role. During a seance all participant must keep their mind absolutely void of any distracting thoughts and focus all their attention at the objective. When we clear our mind off all thoughts and maintain a relaxed and calmer state of kind our body's frequency keeps getting stronger and stronger. When all the members participating in the seance have achieved this state of mind, the combined vibrational frequency of all members opens channel of communication to the other dimension. But if the combined spiritual energy and vibrational frequency of the group is strong enough, it can even tear the time space fabric and create a temporary portal to the other dimensions. Similar to a seance, Ouija board and Glass Divination can also use the forces of all participating and tear open a portal into higher dimension.

I bet you must have heard on TV or Internet that using Ouija Board, Glass Divination can backfire on you if some demon or angry spirit used the portal you opened to enter into your dimension. As I mentioned earlier high dimensional beings can travel to a lower dimension if a portal is created between the two dimensions. The beings or entities we call demons are in my view some extremely powerful and evil higher dimensional being. If by using Ouija board or Glass 
divinations you created a portal you could unknowingly let some evil higher demensional being into your dimension. These demons are always looking to enter our world because they have nearly devoured all life forms in their dimension, so they are always looking to sneak into our dimension because our world if full of life and infinite sources of spiritual energy. By devouring I don't mean that they ate the physical remains for example meat or flesh. Instead they sucked up the life force of living creatures. It is because of the devastation they caused in other dimensions that the barrier between our dimension and others is absolutely necessary. And a childish thing like Ouija Board can result in devastating results. That's why people say stay out of these seances and spirit conjuring ceremonies because you never know what what you will end up releasing on this world.

I believe that these beings from higher dimensions possess abilities beyond our wildest imaginations, so they can cause harm to any person which has been substantiated throught out the ages. Just like their are good people turned bad in our dimensions why won't they exist in other dimensions also. But issue that truly scares people is that as you reach higher and higher levels, the more powerful a person becomes. Its like a sniper and a knight trying to kill each other. We are knights wielding our swords and these entities are snipers whome we can't even see and whose abilities will utterly baffle us. So its in the best interest of mankind that no opportunity is given to these beings for entering into our dimension by creating a portal during a seemingly harmless party trick. Supernatural forces are better left alone.

Now you would think that if multiple dimensions exists and all evil things we ever thought to be demonic were just powerful beings from higher dimensions, then what off heaven and hell.

I don't believe that there is some Devine entity keeping tabs on my good and bad deeds and who is going to reward or punish me depending on my average good-to-bad deed ratio. I believe only thing we should be accountable to is your own conscience. Even the wickedest people in the history of mankind, knew at the core of their being that what they are doing is wrong. And I believe their own conscience would have held them accountable for their actions and made them pay for that. Propagating that only God has the knowledge and authority to decide what's wrong and what's right is just a loophole that evil people in the world created to free their conscience of bearing the burden of their deeds. And we have seen this exact method being employed for thousands of years. It was a basic moral of humanity that killing a human is wrong. But with god judging the right and wrong, murdering humans, committing genocides, infanticide and animal mutilation became totally legal deeds to do. During the crusades hundreds of thousands people were butchered but it was perfectly alright and even admirable to committ such crimes because murderers were butchering people in gods name and because god had told them that murdering people of certain faiths and religions is not only permissible but infact it is considered as doing the lords work.

This is the reason I don't believe in heaven or hell. I believe heaven or hell are much closer to us than we ever imagined it to be. There is no god who will judge you, your own conscience will judge you and decide whether you go on into a higher realm or not. Will you ascend into the higher dimension or whether will you have to go through life once again in the lower dimension, it will all depend on your conscience.

For millenia human beings have experienced the interactions with things from beyond the extent of our vision, rationale and imagination. In older times some people dreaded such encounters with these supernatural entities, while others revered and honoured the entities of the spiritual realm. From the ancient written accounts, we know that people from even the earliest of human cultures like Mesopotamian, Indian, Babylonian, Canaanites  and Pagans regularly performed ceremonies and sacrifices to honour and appease the spirits. Even modern day native Americans perform sacred ceremonies to honour their ancestral and guiding spirits. 
All these ancient rites and rituals assure us of one thing that ghosts and spirits are not a creation of just modern world, rather they have always been a part of human society and folklore for thousands of years. Ancient civilisations were more accustomed to coexisting and cohabiting with the forces of the supernatural. Even to this very day whether you go and study the culture of Kalahari Bushmen tribes or Polynesians of Easter Island, ancient Mayans or Australian Aborigines, you will find that each of these cultures are totally different from each other's in terms of social and cultural beliefs that is except one thing. And that thing is a common belief in the spiritual and supernatural realm. Infact throughout the world in every country, every culture and every society you will find a deep seeded belief of the existence of the supernatural and spiritual realms.

In our modern society, our scientific and technical advancement have made people question the existence of things, whose existence would have been considered quite obvious and taken for granted by our ancestors for hundreds and thousands of years. We might have gotten advanced and modern minded in terms of the way we live our lives, but its seldom we think about things we have lost in persuit of this modern lifestyle and technological advancement. We have lost our much treasured harmonious relationship with nature and  with our own selves. We were much more in tune with our world in the past but over the centuries we have lost that synchronous awareness.

Friday 5 September 2014


I my previous post "Zionism: An Ancient Hate in the modern world" I tried to give you a brief chronological insight into the birth and evolution of the Zionist Israel Agenda. Now I want to touch upon an aspect of Zionist Movement and Zionist Bankers, which is so bizzare that majority of the world outright refuses to even akhnowledge its existence. And the few individuals who believed in this unbelievably improbable theory, were ridiculed ostracised and segregated. 

As bizzare and improbable it might be, fact of the matter is that these individuals whome today, we call the Zionists, Elitists and Jewish Banking Cartel, had started influencing the course of humanity long long time ago. Like the dark side of moon, these dark and malevolent beings have always existed but just like the bright face of the moon hides away its darker side, a well orchestrated facade of wealth, power and culture kept true identities and true agenda of these people hidden from the rest of the world. These powerful beings are known by many different names like Zionists, Bankers, Elites, Satanists, Luciferians and Illuminati. "Illuminati" means illuminated ones and this word illuminati is derived from "Lucifer". The word Lucifer itself is derived from the name given to Planet Venus also known as the morning star in Latin vulgate. Hence the name Lucifer means light bearer or holder of light. This has always been well beyond my understanding that why is Satan called Lucifer "the bearer of light". Is there something about Lucifer that we have not been told about? Whatever might be the case, we are assured about one thing that Luciferian and Safanic cults are creating a much stronger hold on the society. In ancient times people were burnt at stake for just suspicion of being a devil worshiper but today members of Satanic and Luciferian cults quite boastfully declare their affiliation to the dark lord 'Lucifer'.

The cabal of these zionist billionaire, who are deliberately destroying humankind, nature and our earth for their own dark beliefs are avid believers in Luciferian ideology. But due to lack of knowledge and awareness among the general population, very few people identify these evil individuals as they truly are. But thanks to the emergence of the alternate media and internet, awareness about these people is spreading at an unbelievable pace. But even the most knowledgable people might not might not be aware about or might not believe that origins of this evil cult we call illuminati can be dated back to nearly 3000 years, to the ancient Babylon. 13 bloodlines descending down from the rulering families of Babylon have morphed into the 13 most powerful and wealthiest business families and even several European royal families of today. 

There are several identities that have been associated with the ruling families of Babylon. Some call them descendants of the ancient serpent gods, other call them seed of Cain or Cains bloodline, some even consider them to be infamous Anunaki from Nibiru, who ruled over Sumer and Mesopotamia and some even consider them to be Alien beings from some other planet or dimension. Whatever the real identity of the these people might be, one thing is assured and that they have no respect for life, not just human life but any form of life. Whether it be plants, animals or humans, they consider us all to be their food which they can consume for their sustenance. Only difference is like humans and animals, they don't consume the physical remains but instead they feed upon the life force of the sacrificed being. 

All living forms no matter how big or small, have spiritual life force and when any being is suddenly killed, all the life force within that being is suddenly released and this released life force is what the members and descendants of the illuminati are truly hungry for because absorbing purest form of life force helps to slow down the ageing process and gives stronger psychic capabilities. I know this sounds absurd but think about it, why do people like Henry Kissinger, J.D.Rockefeler, Nathan Rothschild, George.H.W.Bush, Queen of England,  King Bernhardt of Belgium, Queen of Netherlands, Zbignew Berzinsky and George Soros get to live so long and even today they are still as active as they were in their youth. Reason is simple, that they regularly indulge in pedophilia and ritualistic sacrifice of infants. 

These shocking allegation certainly became more credible, when more sexual abuse victims of George Herbert Walker Bush aka George Bush Sr came forward. In recent times as many as three women have claimed about being sexually abused by George.H.W.Bush in their childhood during early  1980s. These women also claim that they were also forced to witness ritualistic sacrifice of many children. They gave horrendous details about these ritualistic sacrifices which also involved acts of cannibalism and blood drinking. They revealed names of many other famous people who regularly attended and participated in these sacrifice rituals. According to the statements made by these women Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, George W Bush Jr and many other prominent people including several Hollywood celebrities took part in these rituals often.

Conspiracy theorists have been having quite a ball with the riddle about the birth of illuminati. As I mentioned earlier everything from alien beings to the descendants of the ancient Babylonian Serpent Gods, no matter how wild or ridiculous the theory might be, they've all been associated with the illuminati at one time or another. Personally I believe in multi dimensional universe theory. I believe that these individuals are not human atleast not completely but rather they are beings who belong to another dimension and they somehow either by accident or deliberately managed to crossover to our dimension. Because they ravaged all life forms in their own dimension for absorbing their life force so as a exploration attempt, they crossed into our dimension. They saw that, this world was full of life and most importantly earth's environment was also favourable for their survival. They saw that native human specie on earth were extremely primitive and lacked any kind of social order. So these beings decided to create a human society which would be controlled by them, where nobody would ever dare to challenge their authority and which would help maintain a continous supply of sacrificial beings whose life force they could absorb. But they soon found out that vibrational frequency generated by their physical bodies was not in harmony with the vibrating frequency of the earth and this meant that they could only manifest into a physical form only for a short time. After that their physical bodies disintegrated leaving only a their spiritual entities behind. In order to make the planets frequency in accord of their's, they needed something that would generate even stronger vibrational frequency which could negate the effects of the earth's frequency. 

Each and every element in this universe produces a specific frequency. Anything we see around us is producing a specific frequency because of which it exists. Similarly human beings also vibrate at a certain frequency. But our vibrational frequency largely depends upon our emotions. A happy person will have a different frequency to that of a sad person. So these inter-dimensional beings found out that the frequency of the earth can be made suitable for them if they can somehow force humans to vibrate at a much lower frequency. More positive emotions we have like happiness, joy, love, co-operation, optimism, hopefullness and serenity, more higher frequency we will generate and more the negative emotions like anger, fear, hate, pain, suffering, greed, jealousy and terror, more lower our frequency will be. So these creatures found out that as long as they could keep humanity  terrified, scared and pessimistic more suitable will the earth's frequency become for them. 

Hence slowly and gradually they started designing a human society in which everybody will be unhappy and discontent. By creating a society that predominantly generated fear and pessimism among its members. And this is quite clearly apparent in our world today. Our whole lives revolve around money and in its never ending pursuit. And tragically money is something that was specifically designed to remain elusive from the grasp of majority of the population. Those who don't have any wealth, they are unhappy because they have none. Those who have some wealth, they are unhappy because they don't have enough. And those who have huge amounts of wealth, they are unhappy because they want more. So no matter what you do, you are bound to be unhappy or discontent.

Apart from money the Illuminati used various other methods to keep humankind in this specific lower vibrational frequency. One of the most commonly used tactic for this purpose is wars, conflicts and violence. Human conflicts create a lot of death, fear, pain and even anger in minds of common people. And wider the conflict, more the number of people will be affected by it and suffer. These tactics have been used so many times that violence and death have become our second nature. If you have ever wondered that why do wars occur, or why is there so much suffering in the world then this is the reason. Whenever something causes huge loss of life occurs like the Haiti earthquake that claimed more than 300,000 lives or the case of Asian and Japanese tsunamis that resulted in deaths of more than 700,000 people, ithe whole world is affected by it and that collectively changes the frequency generated by Earth. According to a test conducted at University of Arizona in 2001, earths vibrational frequency fluctuated significantly as the news about 9/11 spread throughout the world. And its effect remained visible for next two days. And next time similar fluctuations were registered after the December 26th Asian Tsunami which claimed more than 700,000 lives.

So it is quite evident that any kind of global tragedy creates a large amount of low levelled frequency and this frequency as a result makes it possible for these inter dimensional beings to manifest a physical form in our dimension.  This is the reason why there is so much suffering in the world because someone somewhere doesn't want this human suffering to end. Today any issue that is responsible for loss of human life or causes unimaginable suffering, I assure you it would either be directly or indirectly caused by the illuminati. 

These people are crazy about Satanic rituals, but here Satanic refers to using dark magic and conjuring dark entities from other dimensions, along with appeasing Lucifer might also be one of their objectives. They usually conjure demons from other dimension using the "Kabbalah" and Enochian magic. They perform ritualistic sacrifices within a demonic circle of Pentagram. Upon sacrifice, the life force of the victim leaves his body but it stays within that pentagram and this life force is used up by demonic entities to create a portal into this dimension. That is why pentagram is such a revered symbol for those who practice Enochian or Satanic Luciferian magic. 

Everything that these people do have a direct relation to some kind of Satanic ritualistic ceremony. We all remember those vivid images of 9/11, but few of us might be aware about the significance of that date for these satanists. September 11th 2001 fell on a specific day of Satanic ceremonial calendar. It was a day of sacrifice in honor of Moloch the Canaanite deity of Wisdom. Child sacrifice is considered to be ideal offering to appease Moloch. And by the way Moloch is the same deity who is worshipped in the form of 40 ft tall statue of an owl at the Bohemian Grove in Northerrn California. And there should be no surprise that George Bush Sr, George W Bush, Dick Chenney, Donald Rumsfeld, John D Rockefeler, Warren Buffet, Ted Turner are all members of the Bohemian Club. Once a year all the members of the Bohemian Grove which are estimated to number nearly 200, gather at this rosewood grove for seven days to worship and make offerings to Moloch(in form of Owl Statue) and perform a pagan Canaanite ceremony called Cremation of Care. 
This whole charade remained a secret for many decades untill Alex Jones snuck into the grove and filmed the 'Cremation of care' ceremony on camera in year 2000. But this ceremony is just the beginning of a week of ritualistic ceremonies most of which are performed inside the Building of the Bohemian Club. Alex Jones was able to film only the ceremony that is performed out in the open at the beginning of this ritualistic week. What makes it even more horrific are the rumours of local children going missing during these seven days, never to be seen again.

A pedophyle ring was apprehended in UK in 2013, that operated out of England but supplied children from most South Asian countries and Middle East to their clients in Europe and United Kingdom. According to the head of this operation these children were abducted from their native countries and then shipped in illegal containers to United Kingdom and America where they were supplied to their buyers. Many of these children were both used for sexual abuse as well as sacrifice in performing Satanic rituals. According to a report of INTERPOL, more than 8 million children go missing each year with over 800,000 abductions in America, over 3 million from Africa,  2 million from South America and nearly 2 million from South East Asian countries. And according a report of United States Department of Justice of 800,000 annual disappearances in America less than 2% of missing children are ever found and when analysing the global abductions then this number falls even lower than 1.6%. There is no doubt that child abduction has become a global epidemic, which demands immediate investigation but sadly this evil has taken root even in the law enforcement agencies along with military establishment and politics.

Watch out for my next post: EKHAD: A BESMIRCHED RITE, which will be specifically focused on the ancient Jewish rite of EKHAD the ritualistic blood sacrifice of gentile infants which continues even today.

Monday 1 September 2014

"Zionism: An ancient hate in the modern world"

Click Here for: Audio_Narration_File

You would have surely heard the word "Zionism" before but I doubt even half of the people who know about this word would know its true meaning. Due to misinformation and deliberate misrepresentation, most people think that Zionism is a Political Jewish Movement or Ideology that  prescribes continued existence of the independent Jewish state of Israel. But this is not even the half of what Zionism truly represents. Zionism is an ideology or you can also say a radical belief that proclaims and prescribes that the Jewish race is the only human denomination righteous and pure enough to be allowed to exist in this world. According to Zionist ideology only Jews are worthy of being considered human. Further Zionism prescribes that Jewish people have a god given right to be the master race of this planet and to rule above all other races and denominations. The core objective of the Zionists is to take control and dominate all of planet earth and bring it under a Zionist Jewish hegemony. And at the forefront of efforts for achieving this objective is the renowned Zionists, the Rothschild family.

Zionists consider the non Jews or as they call them Gentiles unworthy of existing at the stature of the Jewish people. Zionists proudly state that they will eliminate all of the Gentiles from this world and create a Zionists Paradise for the Jews of the world. Along with Gentiles, Anti-Zionist Jews are also considered by Zionists as the traitors and enemies of the Judaism and prescribe execution for all such individuals. And Zionists have developed the laws and policies of Israel in accordance to this Jewish supermacist ideology. According to the immigration laws of Israel, no non-Jewish individual can immigrate to Israel. Even non-Jewish individuals visiting Israel temporarily, are not assured any sort of protection against racist aggression by the local Israelis, which is a common occurrence. As far as Israeli Government is concerned their message to the outsiders is plain and simple, enter at your own peril and expect no preference or consideration on the part of Israeli authorities. There have been countless incidents of foreign journalists being shot and killed by the Israeli forces, without providing  any valid explanation for their homicidal actions. Infact, renowned British journalist and activist Ben White famously quoted in an article that an international journalist is much more safe amongst Talibani fighters in Afghanistan than in comparison to being in Israel. 

Before going any further I need to emphasise upon the distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Zionism should not be considered a synonym of Judaism. Although all zionists are Jewish but not all Jews are Zionists. Infact moderate Jews all over the world truly despise the Zionist ideology because the deplorable actions of Zionist Jews is giving a bad name to the whole of Judaism. By their brutal, unhumane and deplorable deeds, Zionists are sowing seeds of anti-semitism throughout the world. Numerous moderate and Religiously intellectual Jews all over the world, have been the most avid, outspoken criticisers and castigators of Zionists. Moderate Jews all over the world consider Zionism a blasphemous trait because it is not in accordance to the teaching of Torah, the Jewish holy book. Due to the actions of Israeli Zionists, a wave contempt and hatred towards Israel and Jews is  sweeping through the world like forest fire. That is why understanding and recognition of the distinction between Jews and Zionists has become absolutely imperative. The relationship between Zionism and Judaism can be easilly put into perspective by looking at the relationship between Christianity and Ku Klux Klan.

But question arises, if Zionism did not emerge out of Judaism then from where did this ideology rise out of? Although roots of this secret group can be traced back to thousands of years in past which we will discuss in next post. But the modern day Israeli Zionist agenda was the brainchild of the Mayer Amschel Rothschild ,the patriarch of the Rothschild Banking dynasty that was established in Frankfurt Germany during late 1870s. Rothschilds and most other leading Jewish business houses of the world like Rockefeller family, the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Carnegies and business tycoons like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Rupert Murdock and Ted Turner are the driving forces behind this Jewish Zionist agenda. Jewish lobby in United States of America own nearly whole of America's News and Television Corporations and print publications. Due to this understated and under publicised overwhelming monopoly of the Jews in America, Jews have an absolute control over the US Government. So it's no surprise that US Government is the biggest supporter of Israel in the whole world. But it was not always like this, prior to 1913 the American Government was free of any form of Jewish influence. But in 1913, President Woodrow Wilson pawned the future of his country and countrymen into the corrupt Jewish hands merely for the sake of his presidency. Because of Woodrow Wilson, Federal Reserve Act was passed into a law in 1913 that snatched the authority to issue it own money from the US Government and placed it in the hands of Zionist Jewish Bankers, mainly Rockefeller, Warburg and Rothschilds families.

Contrary to common belief, Federal Reserve is not a Government owned or controlled institution. It is a Jewish owned private organisation that possesses absolute authority for issuing new currency into the market. And this allows the Jewish Bankers who own Federal Reserve capability to strengthen or weaken the US Economy. Because of this power, Jewish Bankers have become the ultimate masters of the United States of America. And it's quite unbelievable that gullible citizens of the "Proxy Israeli State: America" are still oblivious about the hand of Golem "the Jewish Lobby of America" strangling the life out of their country. In 2006, former Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Natenyahu stated on an Israeli Television Channel that America is nothing more than a source of finance for Israel and once we have squeezed everything out of it, it will discarded like an empty toothpaste tube into the garbage. Natenyahu is not the only Israeli Leader with this kind of attitude towards America, rather it is a vastly shared belief among the whole of Zionist cabal, which includes Politicians, Businessmen and Intellectuals. 

Despite this kind of derogatory perception in the eyes of Israelis, American citizens still gullibly and  passionately endorse their government for the continued support of Israel in terms of monetary and military aid. In last 66 years from the establishment of Jewish state of Israel in 1948 to present day, US tax payers have been swindled out of 3 trillion dollars by Israel. When we divide the total population of Israel by this figure of 3 trillion dollars, we get the figure of $5000 which reflects that if 3 trillion dollars were divided among the citizens of Israel then each citizen of Israel would have got more than $5000 dollars. Even during the recent economic collapses when American citizens were losing their jobs and their savings due to Banks going bankrupt, the financial aid to Israel still continued. US Government incurred billions of dollars of debt to give Israel its annually committed aid. This would certainly have given you an idea about the extent of Israeli influence on the Government of United States of America.

Prior to 1913, The Zionists Jews had already accumulated a lot of wealth but they still lacked a stable base from where they could orchestrate, implement and control their efforts towards the achievement of their Zionist Agenda. But in 1913, all this changed when Woodrow Wilson endorsed and helped pass the Federal Reserve Act through US Congress. Wilson knew it very well that most of the US Congressmen will never allow this kind of treasonous Bill to become a law. So he waited untill the most of the Congressmen returned to their respective constituencies to spend Christmas with their families and then introduced the Federal Reserve Bill into the Congress. By bribing and extorting the present Congressmen, Zionist bankers assured the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. And once the Federal Reserve came into existence, America was no longer an independent autonomous state which had the authority to make its own decisions. Zionist Jewish Bankers who owned the federal reserve were now in control of America and they wasted no time in using their authority.

On 28th June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire was assassinated along with his wife by a 19 years old Yugoslav Gavrillo Princip in Serajevo. The assassination plot was hatched by a group of orthodox and radical group of Serbian soldiers called Black Hand. And even the Serbian Government didn't deny the participation of its high ranking military officers in the assassination plot. Austro-Hungary demanded that all Serbian Officers involved in the assassination plot to be handed over to them. On the very same day Serbian leaders were assured of assistance by leaders of both England and France in case Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia. This bolstered the stance of Serbia and they outright refused to fulfil any demand of Austro-Hungary. 
Diplomatic efforts continued for a month in order to reach a peaceful resolution to the crisis but to no avail. And exactly a month after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Germany and Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914 and on the very next day England, France and Russia declared war on Germany and Austro-Hungary. The First World War had begun.

By 1916, England and France were on the verge of defeat in the hands of powerful and resilient Germany. This was when the Zionist Bankers played their first card. Rothschild and Warburg banking Corporations were extremely active in Germany ever since the war had started. Like all previous battles, Zionists were lending money to both sides of the conflict to maximise their proffits from the interest compounding on the debts borrowed by the nations engaged in battle. Sensing the desperate situation Britain was in, Zionists approached the English Leadership and proposed them a cunning deal. Zionists Bankers assured Britain of bringing in America on their side into the war and sabotage of the German war machine by blocking any future loans to the Germans but as a payment for these two assurances, the Zionists wanted Palestine. At that time Palestine was under the control of British Empire, hence Zionists wanted Britain to hand over Palestine to the Jews in order to establish a separate Jewish state of Israel. Britain was on the verge of disaster, so they agreed to the demands of zionists. As a result of this agreement, Zionists Bankers in Germany stopped lending out any more money to Germans and as a result extreme shortage of arms and ammunition started plaguing the German Armed Forces. At the same time Zionists instructed their puppet in Washington, Woodrow Wilson to join the war. By the late 1918 situation reversed and now Britain and France were in strong position and Germany was struggling to continue the war. 

But even in these precarious times, German soldiers remained as defiant as they ever were and were single handedly fighting the combined forces of the entire allied alliance. To further degrade the German war effort, Zionists Bankers in Germany used their vast wealth to bribe and purchase localities of some leading political figures of Germany. Then they orchestrated a fake public outcry against German ruler Kaiser Wilhem II and perpetuated a phony insurrection demanding the Kaiser to abdicate the throne. And eventually this sham of an insurrection resulted in the abdication by Kaiser Wilhem II. Now Germany's leadership fell in the hands of corrupt politicians who were nothing more than mere pawns of zionists. As soon as this corrupt Leadership took charge of Germany, they requested armistice from the allies. This sudden act of capitulation shocked even the Senior most Generals of German Forces Ludendorff and Von Hindenberg. This betrayal by the German politicians became the famous stab in the back incident which shaped up the ideology of future German leader Adolf Hitler.

After the end of the First World War to the shock of Zionists, Britain didn't relinquish the control of Palestine to Zionist Jews which enraged the Zionist Jews. Main reason for the British decision of continuing their presence in Palestine was the mistreatment and persecution of Palestinian Arabs in the hands of Zionist Jews. So Britain allowed the settlement of all migrating Jews in Palestine but kept Palestine under their watchful eye by keeping significant military presence in the region. Hence the prime objective of establishing a stable base in form of Israel still remained elusive and Zionists would have to wait for another 25 years before this objective of theirs would be achieved. 

Although the Zionist objective of establishing a separate Jewish state remained unachieved at the end of the war but Zionists started their attempts of bringing the world under one rule by establishing an international organisation called League of Nations. Brought forward by the Rothschild puppet Woodrow Wilson, League of Nations was a step forward in the direction of creating a one world government but it was being introduced to the world in guise of a entity that will ensure that no wars of the magnitude of First World War, ever take place again. But this bluff didn't work on the US Congress and Congressmen identified the true motive behind the establishment of the League of Nations hence Woodrow Wilson failed to get the League of Nations bill passed by the US Congress.

Frustrated by the failiure at achieving their two foremost objectives, Zionist Bankers took their anger out on American public by orchestrating the recession of the 1920s which later on came to be known as the "The Great Depression of 1929". First bankers lended out vast amounts of loans to stock brokers and then suddenly they stopped lending out loans and called back all their loans, forcing people to sell their stocks haphazardly at rock bottom prices to cover their loan amounts pay their debts back. Consequently the price of stocks in the whole market collapsed and caused the devastating crash of the stock market on Tuesday 29th October 1929. This day came to be remembered as "Black Tuesday". Devastated by losing all their life's savings, hundreds of young husbands, fathers, brothers and sons leaped out of the windows of their highrised offices and committed suicide on the Wall Street below. Zionist Bankers then purchased stocks at collapsed prices and multiplied their wealth many times over within a period of 3 years. But when these corrupt Bankers were reaping vast proffits, average Americans were losing their jobs, their homes, their livelihoods and in many cases even their lives. Poverty and Unemployment soared to unimaginable levels. And it took more than 8 years and vast effort for American economy to rise out of this pit of disparity into which it was shoved by Zionist Bankers. 

But Zionists were planning their next move once again in Europe and once again at the expense of Germany. Zionsists realised that without substantial support from rest of the world and high Jewish presence in Palestine, their dream of independent Jewish state will never be realised. Zionists had utterly ruined Germany at the end of First World War, but after 1933 they started to provide huge sums of money to the new German ruler, Adolf Hitler for the redevelopment and revival of Germany. In 1935 Adolf Hitler and Zionists signed the Ha'vara Resolution in which Hitler agreed to allow German Jews to relocate to Palestine along with all their wealth. To force more and more Jews to migrating to Palestine Zionists used Nazis to create a wave of anti-Semite sentiments in Germany. Thus fearing persecution more and more Jews started migrating to Palestine. Now all that was required was the official handover of Palestine to the Jews and for this they needed to generate enough sympathy for the Jews in the world. To achieve this sympathy, Zionists orchestrated the biggest lie of all times in the form of Jewish holocaust. Aided by the allied nations, they perpetuated the legends of mythical death chambers when in reality no such places existed. Quite cunningly they converted th German labour camps into diabolical and horrendous death camps. 

The truth about these labour camps was that Adolf Hitler who was a decorated First World War veteran, had personally witnessed the betrayal of German Zionist Jews which resulted in Germany's defeat and further humiliated Germans by the disgrace of Versailles. Hitler often refered to this betrayal of German Jews as the stab in the back. So when war broke out in 1939, he was extremely suspicious of German Jews and feared that they will once again betray Germany. So to secure Germany at home, he decided to place all Jews within enclosed camps where they would be provided food, shelter and security. Furthermore Jewish detainees could even earn some money by working in manufacturing plants which usually existed right besides the internment camps. This was the truth of those camps and if those camps were immoral and against ethics of humanity then Americans should also be termed Nazis. Because even American President FDR took similar initiatives after the attack on Pearl Harbour by detaining more than 120,000 Japanese Americans in internment camps

But with the help of British and American troops, Zionists created the myth of gas chambers where 6 million Jews were exterminated. They showed the piles of dead bodies of the people who had died due to diseases, starvation and allied bombings, as piles of people exterminated by the Nazis. Developed by professional directors and photographers, the horrendous and gruesome images the huge piles of corpses, created sympathy for the Jewish people all over the world. And Zionists used this sympathy to legitimise their violent, unlawful and illegitimate occupation of the land previously owned by Arabs in Palestine. Zionists still unsatisfied committed horrific massacres of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children. Under fear of constant shelling and massacres being committed  by Jews, more than 800,000 Palestinians fled to neighbouring Arab States. Ever increasing number of Jews migrating to Palestine quickly seized all land and homes previously owned by Arab Palestinians. And in 1948, independent Jewish State of Israel was established.

So in 1948, Zionists achieved their objective of creating a separate Jewish state in Palestine which provided the Zionists legitimacy, security and stability to implement their next step of the plan to attain their objective of global domination. By the end of Second World War, more than 90 million lives had been lost and all of Europe and Japan was left in ruins. Humanity was sick and tired of such aimless massacres of young lives so when somebody came up with a resolution that would stop wars like First and Second World War from ever happening again, everybody just jumped into the wagon of peace. So United Nations was established in 1947 with its head office to be situated in New York and to be constructed on land generously donated by John D Rockefeler. But the real objective behind formation of United Nations Assembly was quite different from what the rest of the world thought it to be. In reality United Nations was not created to ensure peace in the world, but rather it was first step of diminishing the power that individual governments of different nations held. By establishing a United Assembly that could possibly resolve disputes between nations by debate rather than by bombs, the architects of United Nations had hoped that slowly people all around the world will start to prefer a unified world governing body instead of each country having its own individual governments. 

United Nations was the updated version of League of Nations that Zionists had established at the end of First World War. League of Nations turned out to be a failed system and soon many of its members got disillusioned of it. But this time Zionists took advantage of the shock that the entire world was in at the end of Second World War, and established the United Nations a central governing body whose power and authority far preceded the authority of any single nation. As we know now, UN didn't solve any issues and just wasn't able to maintain peace instead UN became an instrument of exploitation for the powerful nations. UN failed to deliver the promise of peace that it was founded upon because peace was never objective of establishing Unted Nations. True function of UN was to concentrate the power of all nations of the world into fewer and fewer hands  and then to use this power to loot the mankind, Mother Earth and nature of all its resources. This is what Zionists had been secretly working for centuries to achieve. And formation of United Nations ensured that the Zionists bankers were one step closer to their aim of global domination.

Today, Zionists have nearly fulfilled all their objectives and are on the cusp of realising their dream of bringing the whole world and humanity under the authority of a global Jewish Hegemony. So where does this leave us now? What can we do now to ensure survival of ourselves and our world?

We will tackle these questions in my next post  SHADOW OF ZIONISM: "THE DARK WORLD"